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Can I Intern with SIM USA?

By Maggie Watts  ·  10 minute read
Learning Center  »  Can I Intern with SIM USA?

Exploring SIM USA’s Short-Term Assignment Program for College Internships

When Susan embarked on her search for internships to complement her university studies, she discovered SIM USA’s short-term assignment program. Designed for individuals interested in cross-cultural ministry, SIM USA’s short-term assignments typically span over two months but less than a year. The program is a great option for college students seeking internships.

The first objective of SIM USA’s short-term assignments is to enhance the effectiveness of ongoing ministry in specific locations. The second aims to allow short-term missionaries to witness God’s work firsthand in that country. Ultimately, these assignments are meant to be avenues for individuals to begin a lifelong journey of participating in God’s global mission, whether that leads to continued overseas ministry with SIM USA or elsewhere.

“I was first connecting with SIM to serve for an internship, with the heart that I would eventually serve long-term in a cross-cultural ministry. At the same time, I was completing requirements for my university, where my major was global studies,” Susan explained. “SIM works alongside university requirements. There’s mentorship, language learning, ministry exposure, and shadowing other workers.”

Susan served in Ecuador on a short-term assignment with SIM USA. Years later, Susan now works at the SIM USA office, mobilizing and walking with global workers serving on short-term assignments. She works with college students who use the short-term assignment program to fulfill internship requirements at their universities.

“The program is meant to lead people through whatever God is calling them to. For a lot of people, it looks like serving short-term and then feeling led to go longer or to serve in a more missional capacity in their current community. It’s meant to be a launching point into whatever is next,” she said.

Rachel works with Susan in the SIM USA office, recruiting and supporting short-term applicants.

“Our desire is for every individual who goes through the short-term program to return with a deeper perspective of God’s heart for every people group and every nation. We desire for them to have a better understanding of how they can honor Him with their own calling and context,”

Rachel said. “We desire for them to have a better perspective of the realities of cross-cultural life and work.”

The SIM USA Internship Application Process: Finding the Right Fit for Every Applicant

“When we meet with an intern who’s doing this for college credit, we talk through what their requirements are up front, and then we start exploring where they might fit. We’re able to find a place that’s tailored exactly to their needs and requirements,” Rachel said.

Susan and Rachel work closely with each applicant to assess the available opportunities within various mission locations, determining which country and ministry will best align with the applicant’s goals and the specific internship requirements of their university.

“It’s dependent on the location,” Susan explained. “For example, we can make sure you have a host family that you’re going to stay with. Some countries are more able to meet requirements like that than others. I think it depends on what your requirements are and what each country specifically can accommodate.”

Susan and Rachel said the short-term application process is similar to applying for long-term service. Applicants submit an initial inquiry form online, and a missions coach will connect with them. From there, with the help of their dedicated missions coach, applicants will complete a pre-application and a formal application, as well as a psychological assessment and medical forms. Placement discussions can begin after a SIM USA review committee has evaluated and approved the applicant.

SIM USA believes the application process is a two-way street: SIM USA is praying whether this seems like a good fit for the applicant to join, and, at the same time, the applicant is praying whether SIM USA is a good fit for them.

Building Community and Receiving Support: Interning with SIM USA

Throughout the SIM USA application and placement process, interns receive ongoing support and guidance through regular meetings with their assigned coordinator. These coordinators serve as a vital resource, helping interns navigate their journey by offering prayer, encouragement, and practical assistance every step of the way.

“I remember my coordinator would pray with me regularly and be there to discern what my placement would look like, what type of ministry I would do, what part of the world I would go to, how the Lord was going to raise the funds that I needed—and He did,” Susan said. “I remember that support from the U.S. staff, and not just because they had to. It was a true, genuine, care.

Before embarking on their short-term assignments, interns visit the SIM USA Charlotte campus for an orientation. This experience allows interns to meet one another, fostering community as they prepare to serve globally.

Once interns are placed in various countries, their coordinators remain involved. Coordinators stay connected by reading interns’ newsletters, offering continued prayer, and providing guidance when needed. Even while abroad, interns can rely on their coordinators for support, ensuring they always have someone to turn to if challenges arise in the country.

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

From Sign Language to Surgery: Diverse Ways to Serve in SIM USA Missions

“I think there’s a misconception that you have to fit into a certain box, or be at a certain level of spirituality, or have a specific skill set, like evangelism or preaching,” Rachel said. “However God has gifted you, whatever skills He’s given you, whatever interests and passions He’s given you, you can use those in global ministry. We have workers all over the world doing all kinds of unique ministries.”

Sign Language and the Deaf Community

When Grace applied for an internship with SIM USA, she discovered a ministry opportunity in Paraguay that aligned with her heart for the deaf community. Fluent in American Sign Language, Grace was passionate about serving the deaf community. So, when she learned about deaf ministry in Paraguay, she was excited to explore how her skills could be used cross-culturally.

For four months, Grace interned in a Paraguayan village, ministering to the local deaf community and learning Paraguayan Sign Language. She was mentored by a long-term missionary, gaining valuable insights into both language and ministry.

After completing her internship, Grace returned to the U.S. with a renewed passion for serving the deaf community locally.

“She came back and shared her story with us, and she told us that she would continue using her heart for sign language here,” Susan said.


Madelyn, a journalism major with a heart for cross-cultural ministry, discovered she could use her passion for storytelling in missions with SIM USA. She was excited to learn that she could serve God by telling the stories of missionaries in West Africa.

“She got to go and tell stories of our workers. She would sit with them, interview them, and take photos of their ministries. That got used for some international publications, and it was a really cool experience for her to be exposed to various ministries, while also capturing these important ways that God was working,” Susan said.

Medical Missions

For Adam, a pre-med major, a short-term internship at a hospital in Angola completely reshaped his career path. He had always envisioned himself as a physician, but during his time with SIM USA, he discovered a deep passion for surgery.

Adam was a pre-med major who felt certain he wanted to be a physician. He interned at a hospital in Angola with SIM USA and was surprised to discover a newfound passion for surgery.

“I really had no idea, but I know now I love surgery. I loved what I experienced. I loved it more than I imagined I could, and I want to continue with that trajectory,” Adam told his coordinator when he arrived back in the U.S.

“It changed the trajectory of his medical training just by being exposed to a hospital where he had excellent mentors,” Rachel said. “One of the head surgeons is a SIM missionary and really pours into the people that we send. And there were other workers there who walked alongside Adam and allowed him to see and experience things that just totally opened his eyes to the world of surgery.”

These diverse stories highlight how God uses every skill set and passion in His global mission. Whether it’s sign language, journalism, or medicine, SIM USA provides opportunities for individuals to serve in ways that align with their unique gifts.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

How Short-Term Assignments Can Lead to Long-Term Impact

Rachel and Susan believe that short-term assignments with SIM USA can change lives. Participants might discover a newfound passion for ministry, gain a deeper understanding of missional opportunities in their own communities, or begin to explore long-term service overseas. The possibilities for what God can do are limitless!

“Whether or not they decide to go long-term with our organization or long-term at all, I think it does change people’s hearts toward how they may perceive people from other countries in their own community, or how they may seek to serve more missionally in their church,” Susan said. “I really think that God is doing so many bigger things.”

Rachel echoed these thoughts, emphasizing how short-term missionaries not only experience personal growth but also bring encouragement to long-term workers in the country.

“It can benefit both the short-term workers who are going as well as the long-term workers that they’re going to. It carries impacts beyond what we can see and what we can measure on paper or in statistics,” she said. “But that lack of statistical proof does not equate to a lack of hearts that are being developed and lives that are being impacted for eternity.”

Are you interested in pursuing a short-term assignment with SIM USA? Get in touch with a missions coach here to learn more about how you can serve globally while fulfilling internship requirements.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24

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