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Questions about Global Missions?
Who is invited to Connect?

Connect has two tracks: the Partner Track (3 days) and the Missions Track (3 days).

Partner Track: You are invited to Connect if you are in the role of sending global workers. This track is especially relevant for pastors and lay leaders who may be mobilizing new workers or are interested in growing their church’s engagement in global mission.

Missions Track: You are invited to Connect if you are considering long-term, overseas service within the next two years. A SIM USA Coach will help you decide the right time to attend Connect.

What happens during Connect?

During Connect, attendees in the two different tracks enjoy fellowship, worship, meals and times of prayer together, but separate for some content sessions. Both partners and future workers will have many opportunities to spend time with active SIM workers who are serving abroad, meet SIM USA staff, ask questions, and get to know the team of coaches who will help prepare and journey with them should you choose to partner with SIM USA.

Here are some of the topics covered in the two tracks:

Partner Track: Preparing and Discipling Missionaries, Partner Role in Sending and Caring Well for Missionaries, SIM Distinctives, Next Steps & Practical Application.

Missions Track: History of SIM & Core Values, Discerning the Call, Life Overseas, Alternate Pathways, Support Raising, and more.

Click here to see an event schedule.

What is the cost for me to attend?

The only cost you pay is your travel to Charlotte, NC.

SIM USA gladly pays for your lodging, meals and airport transportation.

When is Connect?

Connect happens four times a year. See below for upcoming dates!

What happens after I attend Connect?

Since Connect is one of the earliest steps of discernment for those curious about global mission, what happens after the event depends entirely upon you and the way the Lord is leading you!

It is our privilege to walk alongside you–prayerfully offering what experience and insight God has placed in our hands–to help you determine the next step He is asking you to take.

For many, that step is beginning the application process with the sending organization that is the best fit for them.

Our coaches are ready to help talk through your decision, whether you choose to apply with SIM USA, go with another organization, or continue the journey of discernment at your own pace.

Upcoming Events

Join us on our campus


Partner Track
March 26-28
June 4-6
September 17-19
November 12-14

Mission Track
March 27-29
June 5-7
September 18-20
November 13-15

Learn More About SIM USA

We would love to help support you as you consider where God might be leading you. Learn more about mission work and opportunities to go with SIM below.

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