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Questions about Global Missions?


By faith we see East African mission-minded churches fully engaged in global outreach, sending their missionaries to join mission communities around the world. Our purpose is to serve East African churches as they participate in global mission.


The East African Office helps African churches mobilize, equip, train and send East African missionaries around the world to serve with SIM and its partner mission agencies in gospel ministry. Our global workers serve in:

  • evangelism and disciple making
  • church planting
  • radio ministry
  • leadership training and theological education
  • youth ministry
  • culture and language learning

Communities where He is least known

Fulani people groups

The Fulani population is made up of 40 million people in 20 West African countries. The East African Office has already sent out five missionary families to serve amongst the Fulani. At a recent conference held in Addis Ababa about the Fulani, eight more candidates expressed interest in such work.

prayer points


An upcoming conference in Addis Ababa focusing on how to share the good news among the desert tribes in Africa and the Middle East


Consistent financial support for our workers


Safety for our new workers who are facing difficult circumstances engaging in new ministry among the desert tribes


Physical healing for our workers who are suffering from health issues


Visible fruit in their ministry efforts, with lives transformed by the power of the gospel


Quick acquisition of language skills so our workers can communicate the gospel effectively


Good access to technology and communication tools that facilitate effective ministry and outreach

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