Three major types of missionary training are necessary to thrive in a cross-cultural setting.
- Cross-Cultural Missionary Training
You must have cross-cultural training to be ready to live and minister in a context different from your passport culture. Cross-cultural training can be done in a variety of ways:- Training with the mission organization you are going with
- A local church that has experience in preparing cross-cultural workers
- Organizations that specifically focus on cross-cultural training for missionaries
- Language Training for Missionaries
Language acquisition is vitally important to effectively joining and serving a community. Learning the heart language – and possibly a trade language – of the people to whom you are ministering in your new context will help you understand the culture, build relationships, and establish trust. Your efforts to speak the local language communicate far more than words. - Missionary Support-Raising Training
Almost all workers will need training in raising financial and prayer support to sustain them while they are serving the Lord as full-time missionaries.
There are other types of training that vary depending on each person’s situation, background, and needs. Preparation to become a missionary can include theological training, security training, and job-specific training.
SIM USA coaches can help you learn more about the roles for which you might be best suited and what kind of training those roles require.
There are a couple of circumstances in which it is helpful and may be required. Do you plan on serving as a pastor or professor?
If you hope to serve as a pastor or professor overseas, the church or school where you serve may or may not require you to have seminary training.
While seminary training is not required to become a missionary, there are many other gifts, experiences, and areas of education that can be valuable in serving as a missionary. It’s important to identify and utilize the unique strengths and skills that God has given us in pursuing missionary work.
Of course, all missionaries need to have a good understanding of the Bible and also cross-cultural ministry, security concerns, etc. Our customized training program is designed to help you be well-prepared in these areas and more.
Once you have been accepted to serve through SIM USA and your ministry placement is chosen, your coordinator will design a customized training plan to prepare you to live and serve in the place God plants you.
We want to send people to their countries of service equipped to thrive! We have an entire team of people devoted to preparing you for the field.
Some training is conducted in person on our campus. Other training is facilitated by our partners around the country, and some is self-paced online training.
Additionally, SIM USA is committed to lifelong learning. We practice discipleship, consultative leadership, mutual development, and training as enduring disciplines. We want to see people continue to grow and develop throughout their ministry.