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Emam’s Story: Discovering Jesus Through Gospel Recordings in West Africa

Emam’s Story
By Maggie Watts  ·  4 minute read
Learning Center  »  Emam’s Story: Discovering Jesus Through Gospel Recordings in West Africa

Erick and Adelynn serve as cross-cultural workers in West Africa with SIM USA. They work on Bible translations for hard-to-reach people groups in their country. This Bible translation ministry includes making audio recordings of Scripture, often called Audio Bibles, in local languages.

“90 to 95% of people in small villages and towns are illiterate. The Bible is important to have in a book format, but we try to focus on creating materials with recorded audio. Because honestly, that is how most people will engage with the message,” Erick said.

Finding Truth on the Ground

Recently, a local man named Emam was herding cattle in the remote countryside when he spotted a black audio device on the ground. He curiously picked it up and turned it over in his hands, fascinated by all the buttons.

“What is this? Is it a phone?”

He began pressing the different buttons, and suddenly, a voice came out of the device’s small speaker! It was not just any voice—this voice was speaking Emam’s heart language.

Emam is part of a remote people group and is not accustomed to hearing his language spoken in recorded media. Intrigued, he put the device in his pocket to examine more closely once he returned home.

Over the next months, Emam listened to the recording. He was touched by what he heard. The recording shared a story of a man named Jesus Christ who came to earth, walked alongside His disciples, died for their sins on a cross, and rose again, defeating sin and death.

It was a recording of the gospel in Emam’s language.

Emam wanted to know more. After listening to this recording, he knew he wanted to become a follower of Jesus.

The Holy Spirit Makes Miraculous Connections

Although Emam knew no Christians, God miraculously opened doors for him to hear about an upcoming Christian Bible translation gathering. He made plans to attend, hoping to connect with these Christians and learn more about following Jesus Christ.

The meeting was a test reading group with Erick and Adelynn’s Bible translation ministry. When Emam arrived, he had no idea what to expect. He sat down, curious about what these Christians would share.

When the meeting began, a translator read aloud from the Bible in Emam’s language.

The voice sounded familiar. Suddenly, Emam interrupted him.

“You are the voice that I have been hearing! For months I have been listening to the good news on this device,” he explained, showing the group the recording device. “When I heard the words of Jesus, I knew they were true and decided to follow Him. I did not know any other followers, but some friends invited me to come to town and listen to you read.”

As Emam shared his story with the group, they were amazed. The recording originated from their ministry, yet none of them could explain how the audio Bible ended up on the ground in Emam’s isolated home.

“We don’t know why the recording device was on the ground,” Erick said. “But somehow, God allowed that man to find it and connect with our translation team.”

Crossing Uncrossable Borders with Digital Media

According to research by UNESCO, there are 773 million illiterate people in the world. How will these individuals learn about the gospel when they cannot read the Bible? This challenge underscores the critical importance of digital media and audio production in global missions. These digital media tools include mediums like audio Bibles and gospel radio broadcasts. Through modern communications, we can reach illiterate populations with the gospel—this is an opportunity to overcome literacy barriers unlike anything we’ve seen before.

Another major reason digital media and audio production are greatly needed in global missions is the fact that there are many places people can’t go physically. Through media, we can reach people across even invisible barriers with the gospel in a way we’ve never been able to before.

From Hearing to Believing

The translators have maintained contact with Emam as he continues learning more about the gospel. Please pray for Emam as he grows in his faith and learns more about Jesus.

Locals regularly come to these Bible translation reviewing sessions. Although they enjoy hearing about Jesus, many of them are afraid to surrender to God and identify as followers of Jesus. Please pray God would continue to stir their hearts and lead them to Himself.

Please pray for the Bible translation ministry to keep reaching people like Emam—individuals from underserved and marginalized communities, often overlooked by much of the world, but who are deeply loved and sought after by Jesus. Pray for the continued growth and impact of this ministry as it brings the gospel to those in remote areas and who speak diverse languages.

And, if you feel led, explore the numerous opportunities you can make a meaningful impact through media and communications with SIM USA!

Connect with us today to discover how you can play a vital role in global missions. Whether you’re skilled in video production, graphic design, photography, sound engineering, digital media strategies, or other creative fields, your talents can help spread the gospel to those who have yet to hear it. Join us as a digital media strategist, video producer, sound engineer, or any related communication field to help spread the gospel. Make a difference by using your unique skills to reach people worldwide with the gospel.

Connect with a SIM USA coach here to learn more.

How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
Romans 10:14-15

*Names have been changed for the privacy and safety of our workers, ministry partners and those we serve.

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