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How do I “Go” with SIM? Part One: Prayer

By Erica T.  ·  3 minute read
Learning Center  »  How do I “Go” with SIM? Part One: Prayer

Part One: Prayer is the first step in becoming a missionary.

Our motto at SIM is “By Prayer,” but it’s much more than a motto. It’s how we live and breathe.

In my role at SIM, I love what I do. I meet people all the time who have a heart for serving God. In my job as a Missionary Applicant Coordinator, I get to walk alongside people who are wading through difficult questions as they explore becoming a missionary:

  • What is God calling me to?
  • Where is God calling me to go?
  • Is now the right time to go?

Of course, I do not have all the answers to tell people what they should do with their lives, but I serve a God who does. I start with prayer for all the people I get to journey with at SIM. I lift them up to the God who has all the answers. God knows how we fit into his mission. We get the joy and the frustration of figuring it out through prayer!

Ask others to pray with you as you explore becoming a missionary.

  • You and your community
  • Your church
  • Field Leadership

We always suggest to people that they start praying NOW. Pray through your motivation to become a missionary and your desire to serve cross-culturally. Engage your family and friends. Some of these people will become your biggest supporters while you go through the application and training process. They will be your champions, cheerleaders, and prayer warriors while you serve overseas. Even your friends and family who aren’t close to God right now – be open and honest with them about what God is calling you to do. Your passion and prayers will soften their hearts to where they can start to understand and support you a little more. Your community will be the best support financially and spiritually as you explore becoming a missionary.

Reach out to your church.

If you don’t know your pastor or missions director, introduce yourself. Ask someone to introduce you. Tell them what God is putting on your heart and ask them to pray for you. We genuinely believe that the church is the one who should be raising up and sending out missionaries. SIM USA wants to walk alongside churches and partner well with them, but ultimately, your church is sending you out.

SIM USA wants all of our missionaries to be set up for success. We know it’s hard. Cross-cultural stress, team dynamics, language. We want to send out missionaries who aren’t going to burn out quickly. We want you to grow and thrive spiritually and emotionally.

Missionaries praying for more workers.

SIM USA wants to help in the right ways. We don’t go to a country thinking we have all the answers. We have missionaries worldwide who are praying for you…praying for more workers to join them in the harvest field. But they also pray that you will come willing to serve, be flexible, and be submissive to how they have prayerfully been doing ministry for many years. We send missionaries out who are willing to work under the Field Leadership.

Your future cross-cultural missions team.

I tell people all the time- when we send out missionaries from SIM USA, don’t expect to be on a team with a bunch of Americans. You might be serving alongside people from Germany, from Ethiopia, from anywhere in the world. We have multicultural teams. It’s a beautiful picture of unity and the gospel…and sometimes it’s difficult, too. Prayer is the only way to work in a team like this.

So how do you go with SIM? Through prayer. Pray through your doubts and questions. Pray with your friends and with your church. Ask SIM USA to pray for you. And start praying for your future Field Leadership…they’re already praying for YOU!

Want to talk to someone about next steps? Click here to connect with SIM.

Erica T.
Applicant Coordinator

Erica has served with various missions and non-profits in the US, Central Asia, and Belize, Central America. She would tell you that SIM feels like family to her. Erica was born in Bolivia while her parents served as missionaries with SIM. Erica has served as an Applicant Coordinator since August of 2021, walking alongside applicants and helping them find the right placement. In her spare time, she enjoys training for triathlons.

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