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Missionary Kids: A Catalyst for Community in Thailand

By Maggie Watts  ·  8 minute read
Learning Center  »  Missionary Kids: A Catalyst for Community in Thailand

Christian Ministry in Thailand with SIM USA

Dylan, a SIM USA global worker in Thailand, recently visited our Charlotte campus and shared how God is moving in Asia. He works in personnel, walking alongside fellow workers as they serve the Lord through cross-cultural ministries.

“I feel like the joy of personnel is actually getting to share other people’s stories,” Dylan said. “I’ve been very encouraged by how God is working in Thailand.”

“Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man.” Psalm 66:5

Thailand is a nation thirsting for the gospel. According to the Joshua Project, only 1.83% of the population identifies as Christian. Over 61 million people in Thailand are considered unreached.

“There’s a phrase that we often hear, which is, ‘to be Thai is to be Buddhist.’ It’s so interwoven into the culture,” Dylan said. “But they’re more open to exploring what else exists in the world.”

God is faithfully at work in Thailand, drawing the Thai people to Himself through ministries, relationships with believers, and church plants. Dylan shared about a bilingual ministry where Thai people can learn new languages while encountering God’s love through friendships with Christians.

Bilingual Education Ministry in Thailand

Emmet and Alyssa, global workers in Thailand, recently started a bilingual education ministry. This initiative was born from the local community’s desire to learn English and Chinese.

“They’re teaching English and Chinese to local people in that community because, after some research, they found that was a desire a lot of these people had. So, it was something to draw people in and build those relationships,” Dylan said.

However, starting this ministry came with lots of questions.

What would it take to launch?
Where would they host it?
What curriculum would they use?
How would they advertise it? How would they spread the word?

Little did they know that God already had a unique plan to advertise the classes—one that didn’t involve pamphlets, flyers, or social media ads.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9

A Simple Invitation, A Big Impact: Madilyn and Brooke’s Story

Emmet and Alyssa’s two young daughters attend a local school alongside Thai students. Hearing their parents talk about the new language classes, they couldn’t wait to share the exciting news with their friends.

“The missionary kids have been playing at the playground, at Thai lessons or music lessons, and in the mall outside of the school, just kind of building relationships with local kids in the community. Some missionary kids use their smartwatches to communicate with these local Thai kids and ask if they want to come hang out and set up play dates,” Dylan said.

One day on the playground, Emmet and Alyssa’s daughter Madilyn walked with Anong, a Thai girl in her class. She eagerly told Anong about the upcoming language classes and invited her to join on opening day. That evening, she sent Anong more information through her smartwatch.

Meanwhile, their other daughter, Brooke, told her classmate Dao about the upcoming classes, describing the activities and lessons. Brooke invited Dao’s family to attend the first day of classes.

Madilyn and Brooke continued spreading the word about the language classes, extending invitations to families throughout the community.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:9-10

The Impact of Missionary Kids in Global Ministry

On the first day of language classes, Emmet and Alyssa prepared tables and activities for the students, waiting for people to arrive. They were unsure what kind of turnout to expect since it was their first session, but they trusted God.

When the first family walked in, Emmet and Alyssa warmly greeted them, helping them find seats and introducing themselves.

“How did you hear about our class?” Alyssa asked. “Did you see our sign on the road when you drove past our building? Did you see our ad on Facebook?”

The mother smiled, shaking her head.

“No, it wasn’t the ad or the sign. Your daughter told my daughter about this class,” she said.

Emmet and Alyssa were pleasantly surprised. They didn’t know their daughters had invited classmates to the language sessions. As more families arrived, it became clear that Madilyn and Brooke had sparked interest throughout the community. Most attendees had the same story: Madilyn or Brooke had told their children about the classes.

“I really love that story because it shows how important it is for kids to be involved in ministry. TCKs (third culture kids) are not just kids being dragged along behind their parents. The kids are a part of the ministry,” Dylan said.

Missionary kids have opportunities in global ministry to make impacts in their schools and communities! God works in many ways, and sometimes, it can be through a simple invitation from a child.

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12

God is working through ministries around the world! There is a place for you and your skills in global ministry. Learn more about serving with SIM USA here!

Names have been changed for the privacy and safety of our workers, ministry partners and those we serve.

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