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Questions about Global Missions?

investing for the long haul

Our long-term assignments last two or more years and build relationships that can make significant Kingdom impact. We believe the most effective ministries are those that build into communities over time, and that requires that we have people on the ground in a given location for the long haul. By becoming a part of individuals’ lives, we earn the privilege of sharing Jesus with them. It all begins with someone like you, someone who is ready to invest a lifetime in obedience to God.

the journey to a long-term assignment


Application Process

To begin the application process, please Connect with a Coach. A member of the Recruitment team will contact you to hear your story and guide you through the application process. After completing a phone call and our Preliminary Application, you will be eligible to attend our Connect event. Connect is a meet and greet hosted at SIM USA in Charlotte, NC, for those interested in serving cross-culturally for a year or longer and ready to learn more about how God is using His people in life-changing, kingdom building work around the globe.

Attend a CONNECT Event on our SIM USA campus.

By the end of Connect, you will have:
– Time away from the normal busyness of life.
– Additional direction in discerning God’s call for your life in ministry.
– An understanding of what SIM does, our Core Values, doctrinal views, and what it looks like to serve with us.
– Time with SIM missionaries who have served all over the world.
– A multitude of experiences with others seeking the Lord’s will, just like you.

After completing the application, your Recruitment Coordinator will connect you with an Applicant Coordinator who will then walk with you through the second half of the screening process and discuss specific placement opportunities. Ready to begin? Get Started Now!


Preparing for Your Journey

Relationship Development Ministry (RDM)
RDM is the name we give to the process of building a fully engaged prayer and financial support team for ministry with SIM. Even before you applied to SIM, you probably began this process by sharing your ministry dreams with friends and family. After placement is confirmed, you can begin raising support. We will train you and give you tools to effectively share your vision for ministry. We’ll do this by:

  • Online Training – We have developed an interactive, seven-module online training course that includes a study on the biblical basis of raising support, cohort interaction, and SIM-specific principles and practices for this important ministry.
  • Onsite Workshops – In addition to the online course, you will also have the opportunity to participate in focused RDM training, called Bootcamp, at OnBoard, SIM’s orientation located in Charlotte, NC
  • Virtual Reunions – Follow up with optional monthly virtual calls to share how God is working and moving you towards your fully funded goal, and share your prayer requests.

OnSITE Trainings
Two OnSITE training events are held multiple times a year at our campus in Charlotte, NC. During these times, you and other new SIM missionaries will learn about:

  • Maintaining a vibrant walk with God
  • Computer security
  • Personal security
  • Personality and interpersonal communication
  • Serving as part of a multicultural team
  • SIM finances and medical benefits
  • Dealing with stress
  • Much, much more!

Further Training
We value having a well-trained team, yet we recognize that everyone does not need the same level of training, so we adapt our prefield requirements based on length and type of service. Before releasing people to go, we want them to be field-ready missionaries, emotionally healthy people ready to adapt to a new culture and able to use their skills and abilities in ministry. As a preparing missionary you will have residential, cross-culture training through one of our trusted training partners, online training requirements, and language acquisition training. We believe that lifelong learning is essential to a missionary’s ability to thrive in ministry, so why not begin now?

Language School
For many new missionaries, language school is required for effective communication in the new culture. Individual needs vary depending on location and anticipated ministry, and in many cases language school takes place where you will serve.


Arrival and Ministry

When you arrive in your much-anticipated place of service, your new SIM colleagues will welcome you and orient you to your new surroundings. Your responsibilities will increase as you integrate into your host culture. We have been intentionally multicultural since 1893. Don’t be surprised that your team will likely consist of people from many cultures around the world. Along the way, you can expect ongoing member care from your SIM field colleagues on your field of service and from the U.S. Office team. You will also have annual reviews and an end-of-term interview to prepare you for returning home.


Returning Home

Before returning to your hometown, you’ll spend a couple days at the U.S. Office in Charlotte. During your time here, you will participate in a reentry interview, giving you the opportunity to share freely about your experience on the field. You’ll also to meet with people in various departments to your accounts, personnel needs, and to prepare for what comes next. Coming home can be more difficult than leaving home was, so we’ll talk about those dynamics and help you make the adjustment well.

Medical Checkup
As part of the reentry process you will be given a chance to meet with our medical staff to discuss your physical health over the last term and to receive information you may need for follow up.

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