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Questions about Global Missions?

By Prayer

SIM was born through the prayers of a mother. Hearing about the 60 million people with no gospel witness among them, Margaret Gowans began to do the best thing she could do to reach these people: pray. She began to pray for a gospel presence in the Sudan region of Africa in the late 1800s. God answered her prayers through her son, Walter, who journeyed with two other men to take the gospel to this region where Jesus was unknown.


Jesus instructed His disciples to seek the Lord of the harvest for more workers! Each day we send out a timely and personal prayer request as a brief text or email related to someone the Lord is stirring to engage in His global mission through SIM. Will you pause and pray along with us at 9:38 a.m. in your time zone?

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Together by Prayer

We invite you to join in God’s global mission by utilizing Together By Prayer, a SIM USA-focused prayer resource. Each day’s prayer request covers a SIM USA worker or ministry focus. Whether you prefer to receive a monthly print version by mail, a weekly email version in your inbox, or a daily update via the PrayerMate app, you could unite with thousands of people praying for God’s work of salvation through Christ for all people. Will you join us in prayer?

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