As Michael drove down the east African road, bandits came out to block his path, pointing their guns at him. This was the 11th life-threatening incident he’d encountered on this stretch of road. “Why are you doing this?” he asked. One of them pulled the trigger. The gun jammed. He tried a second and third time with the same result. Finally, he knocked Michael to the ground and beat him while the rest of the group took all of his money and bags and fled. Michael was angry, but God reminded him that Jesus had also been humbled, harassed, and beaten for him.
Three weeks later, Michael drove back down the same road…

The Rest of the Story
Michael stopped to do outreach in a village close to where he had been attacked. He found himself face to face with one of the men who had beaten him. Rather than get angry, Michael shared the good news of Jesus with him, and they were reconciled. Since then, he has never been attacked on that dangerous stretch of road.
Michael continues to travel in this remote area, sharing about Jesus and seeing God perform miracles. In his words, “I never knew I had a gift of healing, but have seen God perform healing. I never thought I could command nature to obey us, but where there is no rain we pray, and rain comes. We cast out demons. Witch doctors are scared to death when they see us. I feel like I am walking in the pages of the New Testament.” Michael is convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, so he is dedicated to sharing in this remote region. “I am not considering this as missions work, but a part of my life. It’s where I belong.”
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Please note that SIM missionaries raise financial support. We trust God to provide and we will assist you in the support raising process! If this is a concern for you, our recruitment team will be happy to discuss this process with you further.
Please note that SIM missionaries raise financial support. We trust God to provide and we will assist you in the support raising process! If this is a concern for you, our recruitment team will be happy to discuss this process with you further.