When she left her home to go to a week-long church meeting, her husband was livid. He locked up the house as soon as she left, telling his neighbors that she would never enter his home again. To make his point, he threw the key into the river and headed to his girlfriend’s house. She had no idea. At the end of the week, she left the meeting planning to have a hearty meal ready for her husband when he came home from Friday prayers at the mosque. On her way home, she stopped at the local market to buy a fish…

The Rest of the Story
She was puzzled when she found her house locked up tight. She needed to start preparing the meal, so she borrowed a pot from her neighbor and began to clean the fish. When she cut open the fish, a key fell out of its belly. She examined it and remarked to her neighbor that it looked similar to her own house key. The neighbor urged her to try it in the lock, and it worked! She opened up the house, cleaned it, and finished preparing her husband’s supper.
When her husband walked home from Friday prayers at the mosque and saw his house open he was enraged. He demanded to know how she had gotten back into the house. She told him the strange story of the key in the fish’s belly. He was stunned speechless.
He asked his wife if he could attend church and asked to speak to the pastor after the service. He told the pastor the story and said, “I want to serve the God of the Christians. He is the one who knows and has power to do what no one else can.” Jesus is still a fisher of men.
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Please note that SIM missionaries raise financial support. We trust God to provide and we will assist you in the support raising process! If this is a concern for you, our recruitment team will be happy to discuss this process with you further.