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Questions about Global Missions?

From Here to There

Please be warned that Tia’s story frankly addresses difficult subject matter, including mentions of familial death, sexual assault, domestic violence, and suicide. Hard Pressed, But…

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Celebrating Black History

Since 1976, the United States has designated the month of February as Black History month, a time to acknowledge the contributions of African Americans and…

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Innocence Lost, Jesus Found

“Please, God. Please let him forget about me tonight.” Tia’s infectious, little-girl giggles were once known throughout the neighborhood. She melted hearts with the light…

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A Spirit of Freedom

Prang and her family had a history with oppressive evil spirits. When Prang began knowing Christ, she finally felt peace and freedom from the spirits…

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Never Say Never

“I’ll never be a missionary!” These words came out of my mouth as I listened to this wonderful girl share her heart with me about being…

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