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Questions about Global Missions?


Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, the West African Mission Office partners with the West African church for the success of global mission; mobilizes and sends qualified, equipped workers from and through the West African church all over the world, to cross cultural barriers with love to those living and dying without Christ; enables the making of disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where he is least known, through workers sent from West Africa.


  • mobilizing in West Africa for the recruitment of new workers
  • partnering with local like-minded churches, mission organizations, and other regional bodies in West Africa for global mission
  • training and sending mission workers from West Africa
  • mobilizing prayer and financial support

Communities where He is least known

The Wolof and Maninka of Senegal

The Wolof are a large ethnic group, with a population of nearly three million. Most of them are located in the West African countries of Senegal and Gambia. Some are in Cote d’Ivoire and Mali, where Christ is least known.

Muslims make up 99.49 per cent of the Wolof in Senegal, while Christians are 0.01 per cent.

The Maninka of Senegal are located in eastern Senegal, where they constitute a sub-group of a much larger people group known as the Mande.   Muslims make up 90 per cent of the population, while Christians are a paltry 0.3 per cent. Evangelicals make up just 0.1 per cent.

Since both the Wolof and the Maninka claim to be Muslims and believe in the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam, there is a great need for laborer’s who are sensitive to the Muslim culture to work among the Wolof and Maninka to share Christ’s love.

prayer points


The unity of the few existing churches in Abéché and for the expansion of the gospel


The steadfastness of Christians who come from Muslim backgrounds in the face of many forms of persecution


The population of Abéché, which is deeply rooted in Islam, to be open to the gospel


Wisdom, knowledge, understanding and provision of good health for those preaching the gospel and serving the people in Abéché

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